Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Not Much Today

Forgot i hadn't done this,,,  Too much on my mind right now.  Just found out Js MRI is in the morning at 8:30 in Fredericksburg,, don't know when he'll find out the results.  I think his Doc is there on Fridays.

I did get everything done that could be done for the insurance.  Now, it's wait.  If we find out he has to have surgery soon, i'll call them and see if it can be effective by 9-1.  IF HE CAN WAIT THAT LONG!

Sorry, just can't function today, so yall tc, and



  1. Hope it all works out for you and your son. My son had lower back surgery. Had three vertebrae fused and has pins, rods, and screws back there that looks like it could hold up a bridge.

    1. J has em almost all the way, from bottom to top, and now the ones in between are the problems. Or maybe where the plates are. He'll know today.

  2. My best to you and your son. Take care of yourself, he needs you.

    1. Thank you, I'm just kinda out of it right now.
