Monday, July 16, 2012

A $15.00 Kirby?

The flies are GONE!!!  From one day to the next,,NONE.  What is going on?  Never ever saw something like this before, and i'm old...well, sorta,,,lol.  Nothing changed, it's still raining every day.  This is JULY!!!  But my point is,,it wasn't the rain.

OK,,before i forget it again.  I read on a blog about a vacuum cleaner being bought for a steal, but i can beat that.  I went by a yard sale one day, not far from my house, but i was heading home from work, so i didn't stop.  Had to get back out later, and it was still going on, so ,,, i stopped and there were a lot of good things, BUT   here sat a Kirby vacuum with ALL the attachments, marked $15.00!!!!!  The man said yeah, it ran, so i bought it, thinking i would give it to my dotter.  OMG,,,that thing sucked up stuff like i had never seen!  I had just bought one of the cheapies at Walmart, so guess what?,,My dotter got that one, and i kept the Kirby.  I called the company,  since i didn't know what all those attachments were for, o yeah, it even shampooed too, and they mailed me the book for nothing.  Wow,,, It did everything!  Now, you gotta understand,,this is the Cadillac of vacs.  I bought a roller brush for it, and used it for quite a while.

One day,,,i plugged it in, and it started smoking like it was on fire.  My bro G went to Austin all the time, and the dealership for Kirby's was right across the street from where he would go.  So, he took it there, and they called me,,just needed a new cord, wasn't the motor or anything.  When i told him what i had paid for it, and all that came with it,,he said,,Lady, you just set the record!,,He had heard of someone getting one once, for a 100.00, but 15.00???? No way...  I had 1600.00 worth of Kirby!!!!  I tole him that man that sold it, either hated the woman that bought it, or hated the machine...lolololol.  So i think i got the steal of the century,,don't you?  hahahahaha  Shampoos great, too.

My mower man is here, and i bet it is still wet.  It's gotten almost out of hand, so much rain.  Still saying more could come too.

My cousin from Paris, Tx brought a huge load of hay, 20 rolls, here, yesterday.  He can sell it a lot cheaper than what the ranchers are paying here.  They make lots of hay up there.  His mother was my favorite aunt that just passed away. 

About 9;15 last nite, another house was on fire in Kingsland.... And B told me that ol boy that had gone to prison for arson, was out, and living around that area.  Surely surely they're watching him.  I bet everybody is on their toes, watching.  I hear calls about suspicious vehicles a lot more.

Well, i ate all my meat loaf, have nothing cooked now.  I was gonna put part of it in the freezer, but it was so good, i finished it off.  The bean soup too.  Still have lots of home grown tomatoes,,

Ok outa here, yall tc, and


O yeah, need to correct something i said a few days ago.  I said i used live photo to do blogs when i have pics, but,,,not true, i use live writer.  These are Windows Live package.  Use the photo to upload the pics, then writer transfers them really easy, lets me set them in an album, or individual.


  1. I went out and cut grass today, and even after all that rain and the chance today, it was still dusty. Dang, I guess I will have to cut grass in the rain to get away from all that dust.

  2. Meat loaf recipe if you have time please.

    Thanks, Andrea in MN
