Monday, May 11, 2015

How Time Flies

Been quite a while since i posted.  Been in pain most of the time, but seeing the pain doc tomorrow. Dreading it, since i'm using the bus, and those seats make this hurt. Gonna take a full hydrocodone for it,,lol. I just take a 1/2 normally. Sure hope he does that ephidural? injection into the spine, and it works. There was talk of an MRI, butttttt........... how in the world am i supposed to lay on my back for any length of time?

Still don't have that thing that goes around my head to sleep with. I just called and was told they would get back to me and set up an appointment... MERCY!!!!!!!!

My son's leg is getting better every day. He's been home about a week. He can lift his foot about 5" from the floor now, and put a little weight on it, holding on to the walker. His back is fine!

Well, we finally got a little rain. All that forecasting, missing us, then about 4:30 it started this morning, rained hard for about 20 minutes and quit. I finally got up about 6 and then it came again. Maybe more later. Just heavy rain so far. Worst thing, supposed to do this tomorrow when i go to the doc.

I'm still putting off getting in the shower. Hip and leg haven't quit hurting today. Guess i'm gonna have to take more pain med.

Need to go to the grocery store, and just can't make myself do it.

Ok, this is why i'm not blogging much, soooo boring! Yall tc, and


1 comment:

  1. Glad you son is doing better. Sorry you are hurting. I don't like it when people are hurting. Get feeling better soon.
