Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Little More

I was one of 3, 2 bros, and we played outside ALL THE TIME.  Our Dad loved to have all the neighbor kids at our house too.  I remember back when "jacks" got so popular,,maybe when I was in the 5th grade, and we would all gather round the kitchen table playing JACKS, Dad and Mom too.  When I was 15, they decided to have some more,,,lol.  So, 3 more.  Loved that too.

Our family was so lucky, growing up like we did.  And yeah, we had to go find a good switch sometimes, but knew we deserved it.  My daughter says now, she never realized how different our family was, til she got older.
We ate beans and cornbread a LOT,, and now you know how healthy that was.  Had fried chicken on Sundays, that we had raised and frozen during the spring.  Had gardens, that we all had to help with.  Gravy and biscuits for breakfast, if no eggs,,, yummm, what I've been having a lot for supper lately.  I remember one time, we had the preacher over for Sunday dinner, and Mom never got over it, being so embarrassed.  She forgot to put salt in her bisbuits!

You didn't sue your neighbor either, not in a small town like ours.  Well, you didn't sue anybody actually.

We were safe to play outside in the dark.  Of course, we were loud, so  you looked if everything got quiet... lol.

We couldn't tattletale on each other either.  One of Mom's rules.  Dad loved to let us fight it out,,,lolol,,,I'm talking fist fights.

Whew, that post really made me nostalgic,,,how about yall?

Yall tc, and



  1. It doesn't take much to make me remember back in time. Thanks for the nudge. Made me remember some fun times.

  2. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I love sausage gravy and biscuits. Yum, yum.

    1. was just gravy and biscuits,,, red beans and rice had the sausage,,,lololol but,, good too.

  3. I had a great childhood too... but very different. My mom went to work when I was 4 and Daddy stayed home with us kids.... I can't ever recall my dad spanking me (but, boy! could Ma lay one on!)... I learned to eat all kinds of foods... the year Daddy grew Brussel Sprouts and didn't know what they were is unforgettable. A good childhood... but not your norm for the 1940's.....

    1. That is different, Hilarious about the Brussels sprouts,,,lmaoooo.
      Mom was the displinarian too

  4. I was an only child so had no one to play with unless I went out and made friends. I guess that is why people say I am friendly and easy going.

    My mother was advanced for the times and she always fed me food that was good for me like fruits, salads, vegetables and things made out of whole grains, also fish and baked chicken. She tried to not serve me red meat though that did not apply to my dad, lol, he was a meat and potatoes man.

    I did not have yummy food until I was a teenager and used my allowance to buy hamburgers, frito pies, donuts and basically junk food even though in Del Rio at that time we had no national fast food chains.

    Though my mom did spank me a couple of was because I deserved it. My dad was the disciplinarian in our home and believe did not want him to get his belt out!

    1. Kids today have no self discipline, grow up without any. well, most of them.

  5. Oddly, I've been remembering playing Jacks lately. I remember mom being a firm believer in bedtime at 8. (just an excuse to get rid of the kids) and I remember looking out the window, the sun still up, and the other kids still playing. I don't think any of us ever stayed INSIDE the house. That was too boring. Now, being outside the house is considered boring.

    1. We even went to school early so we could play baseball. In the winter too.
