Saturday, August 18, 2012


Still tired, not doing much.  BUT, i woke up to rain!!! today.  Little showers going by all morning.  Maybe a 1/4" total, but supposed to be more thru Sunday. 

After those shots my son got, it takes about 2 days to get better.  The back drains down into his legs, making them swell, so he has to stay off of them quite a bit.  The shots consist of a mixture of steroids, antibiotics, and antiinflamatory.  He got 2 this time, in 2 spots.   He' the only one that the doc doesn't put to sleep, by Js choice.  They start working immediately.  The doc said, after looking at his MRI, that he would take the plates out of the lower back, and fix one spot there, and also fix the upper one.  Then he always adds, the sooner the better.  I think it will make him feel like a new person.  Now, we wait to hear from the insurance application.  The lady in the doc's office is going to check all that out and call me.  She made copies of all the paperwork i had. 

There was a knock on my door yesterday, and when i opened it, it was Sue's dotter holding a watermelon, and 2 cantaloupe.  I called Sue later and told her i saw an angel,,,lolololol.  She had guessed how tired i was and asked her dotter to do that.

I've got to figure out what i'm gonna eat for lunch, so yall tc, and



  1. Hope your Son gets fixed up soon and hope you get your energy back. The rain just missed us.

  2. Trouble may you have mentioned it on your blog and with my CRS I do not remember it...but how did your son hurt his back?
