Monday, September 12, 2011

Can Do Pics Now,,,

Hi yall,  had to make my monthly trip to Walmart, with my long list.  Have to go there, cause i need all kinds of stuff, not just groceries.  Got back about 2, and unloaded everything, sat down here and did all the do with my new camera.  Wanna see a pic? 

This is out my back door, going up over the hill toward river.  See any green?  Gonna have to figure out a faster way to put pics on here, tho.  Total beginner, all new to me. 

Too late, too tired to do more today.  Might get back, but doubt it.  I'll be gone all afternoon tomorrow, that dreaded Austin trip.  2;45 appointment, so won't leave 'til 1.  Ns driving,,,

Yall tc,,,HAGD

1 comment:

  1. I see it is brown there, too. It is going to take years to get back to normal, if we ever do. Glad you got a camera.
