Glad u agree with me on thieves, DD. And it was about that same time i got my first Zenith portable radio too. WOW Could go to the river and have music!! Til the 6 batteries ran down, lol. Then later, bought my dotter a portable 8 track player, and i know she still has it, even some of the ol 8 tracks too. I bought an old stereo, Ward's, a few years ago, that plays everything, from albums, 8 tracks, and cds. Had AM, FM too. And what's so amazing, everything still works. Double cd decks, so u can record from one to another. Amazing machine. Build to last too.
I bought lots and lots of albums, but would take whatever songs i liked, off of them, and record onto tapes. So my tapes were always made up of my favorite music. Someone gave me the whole Beatle set he had just bought, to make him tapes of it. I also have almost all of the R&R from the 50s. on albums i bought thru the years. Used to see them advertised on TV, and when i did, i ordered them. Liked to have the walls shaking when i was cleaning house. lol
What do yall have planned for the week end? Me? Nothing as far as i know right now. Don't like to be out in the heat, so i don't know if i'll even go and watch the fire works either. For being such a small town, it's a great show. The weather has cooled off a tiny bit, and feels like a whole lot, lololol
Gosh, this Casey Anthony trial is gonna drag on til no telling when. Defense has messed up so bad, he's doing everything he can to salvage it now.
Got a goooood book to finish, just a few more pages, had to quit last nite when my eyes wouldn't stay open. Yall tc, hagd
No special plans for the holidays, will just do what ever we want. Of course we go to the flea market on Saturday and Sunday