Well, i guess good ol Blogger isn't gonna fix my 2 side bar thingys. And i don't think i can. Any of u techies have any ideas?
Our water situation is getting worse. Going to stage 4, and i'm not sure what that means, but i would guess there will be no outside watering at all. Stage 3 has let us do hand held on 2 days a week, within the early morning and late afternoon. I told my bro he had better get his trees watered while possible because this was coming. That was what i was doing. I haven't watered any, so now i'm hoping this one time, will get me to a rain. There's a little, bitty, hope for this week. Gosh, if not here, upriver would do.
Read where Ben's Mom had passed away. It's always hard to lose ur parents. They have my sympathy.
When mine passed a few years ago, it was really a relief. And that was for HER, not us. She had made the decision to go into a nursing home, (the one she had worked in for 11 years), but HATED it. She HATED what her life had turned into. We all went by to see her every day, at different times of the day, so someone was there almost all day. My bro, G, had gotten there early that morning and was busy making coffee, when she just quit breathing. He said it was like she had waited til he got there. I still want to go by and sit on the porch with her in the late afternoons. There were some chickens that would come by from the neighbors, and then a couple would start showing up with newly hatched babies. Sooooo cute. We both loved to watch them. One morning, we were out there on the porch swing, and here came a fox down the street, carrying a chicken. When it realized we were there, it dropped it and ran. I know it was just feeding IT"S own babies. That neighbor had lots of chickens. I can't imagine anybody not enjoying watching them, scratching and singing, rooster calling his harem to see what he had found for them. When i bought this house, had to work on it for months before i could move in, from April til first of Sept. I would come home from work and maybe not wanting to do it, but here was Mom, every day, waiting on me. Saying, what are we gonna do today? We painted, cleaned, scraped, painted more. I was going to get new kitchen cabinets, but,,,she just couldn't understand why i wanted to get rid of real, all wood ones and put in the other kind. Sooooo,,,we used paint remover, scraped, sanded, worked for weeks to get thru 5 layers of paint, but i have them now!! lol,,,My bro G asked what color i was gonna paint them and i told him, RED. Knew he'd holler. lololol,,,and i did. Barn red back ground, cream doors and drawers, with teal trim that bro B cut and put on the doors and drawers. He did that in a couple of hours, would have taken me months. Good looking kitchen!! Painted the outside lite yellow, and all the trim is cranberry. Same color as bachelor buttons. Nothing like bright!!! lololol Then had to have all new plumbing, electrical, treated for termites. OMG,,,what did i get into?? Actually, didn't pay much for it, know what ur thinking,,,and put about that much more into it, and now i have a place i LOVE. It's here on a hill and i can see down into town, and the bridge. And it's sooo quiet. Took years to be able to walk thru from the DR to the LR without having to stop and look at the lites, or the sunsets. Still have to look at the sunsets. The street on the W is a dead end one lot up, and there's no street on the S or E. Perfect. That's why my cats are ok ourside.
Couldn't sleep last nite, til after 1, so i'm really slow today. Here it is almost 2 and i'm still in my robe. I'm so glad i didn't have to get up and go to respite. Not sure when i will get back to that, but still plan on doing it. Probably not til summer is over.
Gonna get up and pretend i can do something,,,yall tc.
Playing around with settings, and in the preview, followers, recent posts are there. But go to actual blog, gone. In help, others missing the same, so it's blogger. Nothing to do about it, sry folks.