Monday, October 7, 2013

Class on Doodlebugs,,,

Here it is


Just for you LottaJoy.  They go backwards, always. 

This is what they turn into.  A dragon-looking thing.  Pretty neat, huh?  I didn't know that til I got my young son a little book on insects.  The doodlebug is the larvae.

Thank you for being interested too, and let us know if you do call them something else.

Yall tc, and



  1. The way they bury themselves at the bottom of a cone shaped hole in the sand and catch ants that make the mistake of getting in their trap, is just so fascinating! Love to watch them feed. The unsuspecting ant dissappears very quickly.

    1. Yeah,,, we used to drop an ant in there just to watch it grab it. hahahaha

  2. *GASP* Anything with pinchers is going to find me running in the opposite direction. I have NEVER seen those things. Are they microscopic? When I was a kid, I used to see "dung beetles", and in Florida I have nearly peed my pants when a HUMONGOUS beetle with HUGE pincers was coming right at me. He wanted my flesh!!!

    I killed him. Joe went into shock for me doing that, but I swear, he didn't die from ONE FOOT OF MINE. It took TWO of my feet!!!

    So Dizzy says they are harmless..... And we DO have a garden full of ants....but I'll take lizards over those things any day. At least lizards only have four legs.

    1. At the largest, maybe about a 1/4" long, totally harmless. Well, except to ants..

    2. When we visited my sister in Indiana, they were having an invasion of stink bugs. They were everywhere, and boy, do they stink if you kill them!

      When we unloaded our car at home, two came with us.

    3. In the last couple of weeks, I have had big black beetles again, coming in the house. Afraid to smash em, they might stick too... lolol. I throw em back outside, so maybe it's the same one coming in again....

  3. I must admit I had no idea what a doodle bug was. They do not look very pretty but if they eat ants then they are welcome at my mom's :D

    1. I bet if you looked you would find some around. In dry sandy places. When an ant falls in, they can't get out what with the loose sand, then the doodlebug grabs them.

  4. So sorry to hear about your son's troubles. We will keep both him and you in our thoughts and in our prayers. Keep us in informed, we care.
