OK, now i'm stumped,,WTH is a blog feed? Is that why i've been stuck like Hobo, too? I looked at my settings and have no idea what that blog feed is. And maybe i have it, who knows?
Gonna try to get my front door facings painted while i can open the house. Still not able to do very much, but think i should be able to do that, no more time than it will take. Gonna use foam brushes, so i can just throw them away. Besides, they do a smoother job. Today and all weekend will be perfect. Not smoking any more, my house has stayed so clean. When i quit, i had a man doing repainting inside, so all of it is still new looking. Never realized how dirty, greasy cig smoke was.
My niece, one of them, came by yesterday selling stuff for their class of '13, and after looking for a long time, found some cheese balls i had been missing. I had no use for cookies, candles, ornaments, etc, but,,,cheese balls,,,YEAH. Good snacky stuff. lololol,,,just realized i don't know when i;ll get them. O well, i've been snacking on cream cheese with onion and garlic,,,on ritz, good stuff.
This is gonna be short short, today, gotta finish my book that i couldn't last nite, my eyes would NOT work long enough. lolol,,,I get to 10 PM,,i shut down. Forced it til 10;30, but,,,hahahaha,, wasn't able to get those last 20 or so pages read.
So,,,yall HAGD,,,, might bb later.