Gosh DD, still can't post on urs. Didn't know u were sick, somehow i missed yesterday. But glad ur better. Fire ants do that to AC compressor units too. The ones that sit outside. My dotter knows now to just go out and check herself. She thot her whole system needed replacing, when her ac didn't work this year. She wrestled a window unit into a window, then when a repairman came and got into the ceiling to look, was a wire loose. It's a really old unit, but she sure was glad was just that home call to pay for.
It's just sooo sad about pesky,, keep hoping and praying that he will get ok. Then reading BBs blog just a few mins ago, how can he disappear???? Gonna keep checking all day on this.
Really appreciate all u readers. U can sign up as a follower any time,,,lol,,,and talk back too,,,,hahahaha.
Don't look at new recipes. Unless u wanna start something. That's just what i did, this morning. Now,,gotta get some raw shrimp, and pork chops. That's for 2 recipes!!!,,,lol, not together. One is for searing shrimp in a skillet,,,ooooo,,,gotta do that one SOON. Might just be able to eat 2, now, but it will sure be a good 2, then 2 more later,,,,etc. After a year, this lap band is working RIGHT. yeaaaaaaa,,,,,Just shows ya, don't put up with stupid, inept doctors...try another one. Should have taken that advice 6 months ago.
DD,,i think u picked up something else at that flea market,,,lololol,,but glad ur feeling better. I carry a package of those thingys to sterilize my hands when i've been in some places. Like walmart during the winter, etc.
hey yall tc now.