WELLLLLL,,, I know i said i was gonna get some pics of the madhouse here, yesterday. AND, i went out, camera in hand,,(well, on the seat beside me),,and there was NOTHING!!! And get this!!!, Just a few vehicles at the favorite bar in town! Regular number of customers at the grocery, and dollar store. This is a first in my whole life! Is everybody in the world suffering in this economy? Did the drought have anything to do with it?,,,Gosh,,beats me. If i find out what's going on, i will post it for sure.
Dug out leftovers for lunch, yuk. Little bit of chili, 1/2 of a bar b q bun. Still trying to think of SOMETHING that sounds good to eat. Late yesterday, bacon and eggs did sound good, but didn't want to wait to cook them. lol. Anybody have any ideas? Cmon,,tell me something. Limited choices here on take out, or dining out. Overrun with barbq places. After this bun, might not want that for a year! hahahaha Good thing i've got an iron stomach.
Been changing clocks since i got up. Now i don't know what the real time is. Mercy. Every time i look, i have to think,,,did i set that one or not? MAIN one is on my coffee pot. Just set it, now do i need that little red dot by the 12, or not? Wow, a window just popped up with the clock on it, for this laptop. How neat is that? Said it would reset tonite.
Found a new blog, well ,,for me,, to follow,,Occupation of Independence. Why i'm so late today, was reading back on it. First, he said he was alone,,no dogs, no nothing, then,,he has 2!,,Gonna try to find where he changed his mind and came up with them. Curious now.
Ok,,yall tc, and of course,