Sunday, June 10, 2012

And,,,It's Another Sunday

Made it thru the 2nd Hatfield, McCoy movie,,reallllyyyy hard to stop.  With nothing on tv most of the time, i have lots of movies recorded now, to take up the nites of nothing on,,,  Today i'm doing 3 more, Lifetime,,lolololol,,i know you guys don't like em, but,,,i sure do.  Like the Hallmark ones too,,so there!!! hahahaha,,  But for tonite, that 3rd H&M one is on.  I have HBO, and Cinamax but,,most of those, almost all, i just don't like.

Haven't heard a word from SS, since i called and found out they both got jobs in Longview.  Know they're horribly busy, house hunting,,moving,,selling one.  They were gonna move personal stuff, til the house in Lake Worth sold.  Heck, she would never have a problem finding a teaching job anywhere, coming from that prestigious one she's been at.  And as for him,,named SE TX coach of the year his first year, in baseball, when he was at Hi Island, np either. 

If yall haven't read the blog of lotta joy,,you need to, and tell others to, too.  It's listed as one i follow as WITLESS RELOCATION PROGRAM.  I just finished the last one of her past, and i get chills thinking about it.  And tears. 

I can never thank God enough for my parents, and we did get our share of spankings,,The worst was when Mom told us to go get our own switch,,,and if it wasn't a good one then she would get one and it would be worse,,,Heck, we believed it,,never took a chance,,,hahahahaha. 

I still laugh about one time,,we didn't come up from the creek to eat supper, after we had been called several times,,,,and here come Dad,,we knew we were in trouble, but,,he forgot to duck going under a big pipe there by the bridge we were under, and while he was stumbling around almost knocked out,,we ran by fast as lightening,, He forgot what he had come for and we made our escape.....He rarely ever paddled us.  And he let me be me,,the biggest tom boy in town.  Mom kept wanting to girlie me up,,but no way.  I had 2 brothers, 3 neighbor boys to grow up with, had to hold my own,,ya know.  Was about 13 or 14 when i discovered boys were a different species,,not to be fought, beat in games,,,etc.

And i guess, back then, things like lotta joy writes about, were just kept secret in families.  I know families now, that have been that way, and it's lots better now than back then.  It's more watched for in schools, and the medical area.

Yall tc, and,