Darn it, hope you can see the Indian Blankets there. There are so many now, parts of the country is red. It’s been a really good year for the wild flowers. This county is the best of all, it’s like you can get to the county line, and,,oops, no more flowers. In every direction.
The new neighbors to the East of me, got an Australian Sheppard puppy. I groaned, cause this neighborhood has been a quiet place for the 12 years l’ve been here. Now, sure enough, they are letting it run loose, and of course, it’s barking at every little thing. Hate to have a talk with them, but I’m going to. There’s a pen there, which I did mention, but the dog isn’t in it. He said he was going to make one, but,,,when? Hate to rain on his parade, but,,,,Not a dog lover,,,sorry yall.
That’s it, folks, so tc, and