Glad to see BB got all those g/kids around, having fun. lol. Don't u just love it? My large family has shrunk so much, and it's just not the same any more. Guess because both Mom and Dad are having to work, then take care of home too. No time. There were always family get-to-gathers up until a few years ago.
When my one and only g/dotter brought her future hubby to a Christmas dinner the first time, he went with them to play football after lunch, played pool, and beat them sometimes, got out his guitar, played and sang, got into the poker game. Loved every bit of it. Later, i heard my bro B and a nephew talking while they were playing pool,,one said, yeah, he played football with us. Then the other said, yeah, good too. Then one said, and he played pool with us, the other said, yeah,,he was good too. Then,,both agreed, gosh he fit right in!! And he did, and that was growing up as an only child for him. My sis asked where they had met,,,i said, on the internet. hahahahah,,,Found out they had!!! A friend of hers found him on Facebook, and got them together. Love at first sight. lololol. His mom made us all cry at a birthday party for her, when we read the card she gave her. The part saying,,never knew what my son would bring home, and then he brought you. They love her too.
Got some new people moving in next door. Kinda hate to see what they are. This is a quiet neighborhood, no yapping dogs, no noisy kids. No loud music. Hope they fit in. Guess i'll find out. lolol. There's so many helping to move, don't know which ones are going to live there. When i moved here, i had a moving party. lololol,,,They got me moved in just a little time, like,,1 1/2 hours. Of course, i had everything boxed, ready to pick up. I had put all my freezer stuff in a black garbage bag, and my nephew was doing great, he picked up all my ash trays,,,and guess where he emptied them!!! hahahahah. Had a lot of fun,,cleaning that up to put in the freezer later. I kept an old trash can, small, by my chair in the living room, with the show world, remotes, etc in it. Guess where they all ended up?,,,yep,,Next day i went back up there and thank God, the bag was on the top in the dumpster. Found them. I had hot dogs, baked beans, drinks, chips, etc ready when we took a break. I've been here 10 years now, i think. lololol.. I just can't remember backwards any more.
Seems everybody's getting rain, here, there, everywhere, but here! Glad it's happening somewhere, tho. Would someone tell me what it looks like? Sounds like? So i'll know, just in case it happens here. You know my memory's not good any more, won't go back that far.
All that cleaning bug yesterday is gone today. hahahaha,,Rest can just wait. That's my motto too. Don't wanna, then don't. My sis N, would just die if she didn't clean her whole house on Tuesday. She'd crawl outa her death bed to do it. Not kidding. She even cleans the WALLS, regular. I can't believe how clean mine have stayed since i quit smoking. They were being painted when i quit, and now they're still good. Hey yall, was 3 years back on 5-1. And not one puff on one since then. 50 year habit. Was actually easier than i had thot possible.
Ok, just after noon, so gonna wish u all a great week end, and HAGD