Yep, found that clippie. It was in the corner,, like, a 6" space, behind something. Don't see how it could get there, but it did. When i had one of the teeth filled that it fits between, it's never fit as good as before, and the dentist worked on it a long time,, til i got tired of doing it, lol.
My g/dotter has posted something on facebook, about earth porn, and it has the most amazing pics. I have cabin porn, gonna look for others now. I put one up as my screensaver, and it is soooo beautiful.. A red fox curled up,, in Canada i think.
Took my cover off my front AC, and i will be using it later today,, i bet. Says upper 80s for Austin, but we get a little warmer.
And, i have to go to the library today too. Just like a few pages in my last book. I usually get 3. Need to find a new author today. I've read all of James Burke, and Wm. Barnhart. I have a list of good ones so it won't be hard.
We got a pretty good rain late Monday,, kinda stormy. Had quite a bit of hail, up to a 1/2", and a few quarter size. I think there was lots more up the river, so maybe it'll get on a rise.
That's all i've got, so tc, and