Trying this today, tell me what yall think. This was about 8 miles N of town. Some were just the views, what we call mountains.
More Indian Blankets, and just spots of the yellow ones. When you see cattle in the roads,,you don’t dare honk your horn, they’ve been taught to all come running for feed. Ranchers feed out of the back of their trucks. So you patiently wait til they decide to move. They do, but slowly.
Gonna publish so I can check this out. Yall tc, and
On that link to the crazy ants yesterday, you could move your cursor over it and go there. Just was wondering ,,,lol,, if anybody had seen them.
When i do pics, i use windows live photo. Today i tried the online album thingy to see how it worked. Looks ok,, not sure how i could post with each one, but,,it was all on the same drive. The reason i took the scenery was to show the terrain, and why we are called the hill country. The pics were all N,,,but to the S is lots more great mountains. Maybe another time. lol. Well, yall enjoy.