Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't Know Where I Am,,,

Someone was talking about shingles, on a couple of blogs.  You NEVER want to have them!!! EVER!  Cause I did.  I KNOW you don't want to have them.  I lived on Vicoden for days, 3 refills,,,got up at nite walking the floor til it was time to take some more.  I need to see if I've had a vaccine myself,,,sure don't want that ever again. 

Lost this, but,,it was in drafts,,,whew.

J got his machine that sends the electrical shots and he went,,,awwww,,,just what he's needed since the git-go.  BUT, when he put it on the lower back where there seems to be something wrong, he kinda dozed off, and when he woke up,,he had lost circulation down from there.  Bad.  He was dizzy, saying he never felt like that before.  We don't know what happened, but it's not gonna be put there any more for sure.  From the waist up is wonderful.  He won't see his doc til mid March. 

Kinda drizzling here.  Maybe it will rain later.    That East wind has been horrible all day.

Somehow this didn't publish, so here I go again,,,yall tc, and