Friday, February 1, 2013

Need to Update My Sticker

Hmmmm,,, brought this screen up, now what?  lol.  Do I, or do I?  That's the question. 

Since my sticker ran out on my car yesterday, I need to get that done in the next few days.  I always go into the next month.  The only place here to get it done, is out most of the time, so first I have to call.  Took J several weeks to catch him with some.

I spent about 30 minutes on the phone yesterday with Verizon,,,again!  My bill was up, and I wanted to know why.  First thing I asked was,,,do I have a choice on having to listen to that loud horrible music?,,,Got a NO.  Told him well,,,i should have.  Basic service went up,,,of course.  Doesn't matter that everything in your life is going up except your income.  So,,,what do I cut now?

In that wind we had,  I looked out my East window, and there is this huge 1/2 of the dead tree down, across the drive next door.  It's not my tree, and the man that used to live there, never cut it down.  As long as it goes to the East i'm fine.

J brought some breakfast by and it's left a salty taste.  That or my pills,,,lol.  Since I stay thirsty all the time,,,I should blame it on the pills.  I think that's what wakes me up a lot, during the nite.

Got a surprise for everybody next week.  Not telling either.  So yall tc, and


PS  Sure missing you, BBC,,,where o where are you?


  1. About BBC, I was glad he quit commenting but if you must keep up with him, I did some research for you and came up with his latest blog posting:

    That should answer your question.

  2. 'thirsty all the time' is/can be a symptom of diabetes.
