Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to Save Blogs to Documents

At the right where it shows the year, right click on it, then clic on save target as,,,, you will get a window to give a name to the file, then it will save into documents.  Or mine did, was really easy this time. 

When I took my friend S some chili, she insisted I take some turkey and dressing, black eyed peas, and some kind of cabbage stuff.  Loved the trade.  Had that for supper, so I still have most of my pot of chili.  Cmon, DD,,, lol.

That's it, yall, so tc, and



  1. I love nothing better than to have my chili..or meatloaf, or beansoup ready, then get an unexpected meal so that I can have my food another day. Less mess means more enjoyment.

  2. I am sure by the time I get there it will be all gone.

  3. Thank you for the post TnT. I did it, but I still do not know if it actually worked :(

    1. Look in your documents,,,it will be there if it worked.

  4. Nope, it's not there. Oh well...
