Friday, November 9, 2012

Hooray for BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great to know he's still around,,huh?  AND ,,,catching some fish,,,if we can believe that.   All well and good, but, there have been a few of us that never returned,,,and it could happen you know.

Windy, kinda hot today.  When it gets this way i'm always glad for a good front to show up, like will be here Sunday nite.  We finally got down low enough for some leaves to start falling.  And it will finish them  about on Mon. nite.

We've been going out to the park, and J has discovered how enjoyable those geese are.  He has lived here all his life, and had never done that.  He had even told me that that bread wasn't good for them,,now it's,, Mom, do you have anything to feed the geese?  lololol.  It's just peaceful out there and the other birds are showing back up.  Big ducks,little ducks,,white cranes, blue cranes,,,etc.

My neighbor did move out last week.  A big truck even showed up a few days ago and loaded his storage room on and took it away.  This morning, someone was walking around taking pics and J asked them what they were doing.  It was someone from his mortgage company.  We just told them they had left about 2 weeks ago, that's all.

I got this huge flower arrangement this morning.  My birthday is tomorrow, which i keep forgetting.  Now i can remember while i'm smelling these.  Something smells good.

Hey, yall tc, and



  1. Happy, Happy Birthday! Enjoy it to the max!

    1. Heyy,,, great to have you here, and THX!! I think,,lol

  2. Well have a very happy birthday. I suppose that it is your thirty-nineth, right? I give you permission to take tomorrow off.

    1. Don't i wish,,,loved my 40s tho. 50s were fine, 60s,,so so,,now let's see what 70s bring.
      And i'm gonna,,,take tomorrow off.

  3. Happy Birthday TnT! Hope you get to make a birthday wish and have it come true.


    1. Have had a great day!! With both kids and the g/kid. Can't beat that.

  4. happy birthday miss scorpio are you really the age you hint you are? well enjoy a great day and remember years and months and days are just that it is the real living that counts..Happy Happy Birthday, we have two scorpios in this house they are my hubbs and only daughter..nothing gets past them at all, nothing, human lie detectors and truth seekers, kind, loving and loyal if one is a friend they really are friends, not like acquaintances these days married almost 40 years, childhood friend, best way to have a hubby I say..take it easy, let your family spoil you with love and affection the true gifts of like! Happy Happy!

  5. I meant love and affection the true gifts of LIFE not Like! my hands a bit wobbly, got that darned flu and just getting over it, darn it all, oh well, got to sleep a whole bunch even our two kitty cats were good.guess they knew mamma was ill.hubbs was quiet and managed to get me chicky noodly soup and crackers when I could eat something..lost weight even, but okay..hope the holidays are happy and not a bunch of crap, life is tooo precious and short to have any confusion on the holidays, ciao!!!!

    1. Love hearing from you, and yep, i was 71 today....What a great age,,,hehehe.

      Get over that flu NOW!,,Got my shot about a week ago.
