Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rescue's Gotta Go

The reason i haven't posted is because there was NOT ONE comment on the last one!  No one even said a word about  the cat pics.  I'm sorta like BB, getting down and seeming to have nothing to write about anyway.  And today is no different.  NOTHING.  I had been asked for pics of Rescue, and i put 2 on here, soooo?????

Maybe it's an age thing.  I will be 71 next month, and i'm sure not doing as well as even 10 years ago.  That's depressing enough.  I have a hard time walking, and i know i need to get out and do it every day, but,,,,do i?  Nope.

I am taking Rescue somewhere today, he's been here long enough.  Waiting to call my son, telling him he has to go.  When my Jude won't even come in the yard, cause Rescue chases him, time to go.  He did chase off a big dog while ago.  And i know he's wanting to play with Jude, but Jude doesn't know that.  I had a male cat run off one just like Jude before, not gonna happen again.

Looking like it might rain.  More chance later today and tonite.



  1. Your last post title suggested Rescue had been rescued. He's a beautiful cat. So why ain't he rescued?
    Yup, old age and nuttin to do sure do get depress'n. Well, wait a minute....there's plenty to do, just don't wanna do it. Hang in there girl, tomorrow is another day.

    1. Rescue was rescued,,taken to the vet, shots, fixed, etc. and that one day i was supposed to keep him has turned into this. J has tried to find a home, but i'm not waiting any longer, Jude will just leave if i do. Taking him to Js house, even tho there are lots already there, rescued ones.

  2. I have the same trouble getting motivated to do what I need to do. Think I'll build a butt booting machine to boot my rear out of here to get me busy.

  3. I haven't been reading blogs for the past few days because I'm suffering from the same malady that's affected a lot of folks. I think it's a big part depression, and part burn-out. I don't know what the solution is other than to wait until the depression lifts, and it will eventually.

    1. It's strange,,,, maybe it is the age thing. I know all about that depression too,,,been there done that.

  4. Some times we just don't have time to reply or don't have anything to say. Sometimes it is both.

  5. I used to call it Motorcycle mode, you just need a good kickstart.

  6. I think the kitty Rescue is very very cute, but if he chases off your own cat, try to find him a nice loving home..I read your blog daily, get a big kick out of it, you and Billy Bob are the same age, well shucks try to get someone to take that sweet kitty cat...Too bad Ben Woods went to heaven he would be sweet about that kitty cat...Sometimes, life just hands people some time to rest and relax, do that...I think your blog is sweet and I love to hear how your kids are doing and what you are up to...Just rest a little and take good care of yourself...It has started raining for the first time in 111 days for this part of the USA pacific northwest it broke all heat and sunshine records, now it will probably not stop until june or july of 2013, yes it usally is about 295 days of inclement weather, moss grows in our patio and grass, we came from Colorado and miss the dry and sunshine each day, even after snowing it is dry..Many texans I worked with and loved them, they were sweet human beings, they loved their kin and took care of them, not the case in this part of the West, out here people get into a tissy with their blood kin and never speak to them it is just their ways, not my familia at all, we have to travel many miles to see our only child but we do, she is our pride and joy...sweet as sugar..Went with a native Texan and his mom stills sends me holiday greetings and stuff from the lone star state I could never get up here, I love her, our child is still friends with that fellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care of yourself..ciao mjs from the pacific northwest brrrrrr...! happy halloween too!

    1. We both have been,, he's decided he belongs to J and lets him know it. Yep, i believe in family. Not sure what's gonna happen on down the line tho.

  7. Ha! Did it ever occur to you that you and Billy Bob are twins? I think the two of you would be a perfect match.
    Hmmmn, something to thing about....

  8. I have not been online or had a chance to catch up on the blogs I follow until this afternoon.

    Partly because I was working on my taxes and partly because this ISP is a piece of doodoo and keeps on disconnecting me :(

    1. I know you're getting ready for that huge chili cook off.

  9. I am here on and off....been so busy that any free time and I am sitting in my comfy chair not thinking. Took grandkids to your park yesterday and saw the ducks....beautiful park for sure. Went to the museum and admired the rooms of collectables. Then we ate at a barbecue place and was surprised at the total bill....couldn't believe it. Walking is difficult, I know, but if we stop, then we are really in for trouble. Keep moving and keep writing....we are all here and in the same boat.

