Monday, July 30, 2012

Bright Red Monday,,, (Hot)

I've been playing around with this for a while,, not sure what i'm doing. lol.  I did get on a virtual tour in the parks in CA.. Really fascinating.  I can go there,,right here,,,,and drive thru twisting and turning to look.

Got out and did a couple of errands already.  Got the $Store trip done.  In to stay.  I never left the house yesterday.

Got the outside water cleaned out and replaced too.  It's kinda under the crepe myrtle and gets the falling blooms in it.  When i opened the door for Jude late yesterday,,he kept looking, and stopping, to the left of my door like something was there.  I need to check that out.  Like to never got him to come by there.  So he has either seen something there, or it was there.  He finally took off fast and ran in...lololol.  But that was after all the looking and sniffing.  Heck, could be a grasshopper, been seeing them lately.  Never know about him,,but i sure learned to look!!!  After the rattlesnake in my house.

I've about quit using this laptop in the front of the house.  The battery doesn't have a long life, and i kept letting it run down.  It will say, low battery, and in a few seconds, it's gone.  Seems that way.  I didn't look out that much anyway. 

Anybody watching the Olympics?  I 'm not, but i do listen when they're talking about a few things,,like swimming. 

J was the swimmer,, always.  Had to have him take lessons at 4,,before he drowned himself.  Had NO fear of water, ever.  The next summer, first day, he ran down to midway of the pool and jumped in,,,FORGOT he could swim!!  About the 3rd time he came up, i asked the life guard to get He'd climb up the ladder to the high board and jump off.  He was still small, and thot he had to wear flippers so here he went,,flippers and all, up that ladder, flopping out to the end and jumping.  The life guard would be there, waiting, trying to stay out of the way,,,lol.

Later, he was on the swimming team, and was really good.  But he never understood that in the races, his time was what mattered, not being way ahead of everybody.  I have a pic of the team, and he's on the front row, on his knees, looking to his right at his now gf...they were both on it.  She was his gf then too.

I watched a 3 hour movie last nite.  Don't like to do that.  I'm having a hard time finding ones to record, tho. 

Ok,,i'm boring yall enough, so tc, and



  1. You don't bore me. If you did, I wouldn't read it every day.

  2. BTW, you may need a new battery in that laptop.

  3. You don't bore me either! KInd of like talking to a neighbor and catching up on things. This heat is so bad that all outside chores have to be finished early and then back inside. The Olympics don't seem like they used to....something has changed and I don't know what. A good movie watched again is better for me.

    1. Thx,,guess it's just me that gets bored.
      If i know someone doing something in the Olympics,,makes it interesting. Not in touch like i used to be.

    2. Well shoot, I rekon I'm gonna agree with what Goldie says.....just like jabber jaw'n with a neighbor.
      Your posts are far from boring. You give us a look see into your everyday life. That's cool.

    3. Thx BB, some days are just "downers" for me.

  4. My laptop is a dinosur (sp?) it is so old it even has a phone jack to use for dial-up and has the original battery that of course may last 10 minutes so I just use the a/c adaptor and works great!

    Never been much of an olympic watcher, most sports with the exception of basketball, bore me. Wanted to watch opening ceremonies but forgot all about know me and my CRS :(

    Want to learn a new language and at the same time be part of a good storyline? Try foreign soap operas. Brazilian and Colombian are my favorites, you can learn Portuguese and Spanish as an added bonus.

    1. I use the plug in too, on my laptop. Why not,,it's right there. Wish i could get those soaps,,i think,,lololol always hated those things.
